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News + Insights

Managing the Environmental Impact of A.I.

As artificial intelligence continues to become a greater part of our lives, the demand for energy needed to drive it is also on the rise, creating an increased drain on utilities and the grid throughout the United States.

The increasing energy demand we are currently facing is something Jeff refers to as “the addition economy.”

As our grid is not currently set up to handle this additional payload, where will this energy come from, and from what sources?  And how are we to balance this increasing need for energy against the effects of climate change? Hear what Jeff has to say:

This is one of the reasons why we include themes such as utilities, water, sustainable infrastructure, and climate adaptation in our portfolio solutions.

Would you like to learn more about our climate focused UMAs, SMAs, Mutual Fund Models, or research service options for your financial practice?  Please feel free to reach out any time.


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